Understanding the consumption statistics

This information applies uniquely to the Premium Subscription.

These  statistics may differ from the data in your bank statements. This does not serve as an accounting document. For detailed accounting analysis and data, we suggest that you review the invoices issued at the beginning of each month.
Like invoices, statistics are available on the first day of the month following the period covered. For example, the November file is available from the 1st of December. Here you can view an  example file.

Description Examples


Holdings belonging to the organisation. Optional. Pawnee 


Name of the organisation.
Parks & Recreation
periode Month and year.

code_pnr Booking reference, usually composed of 6 letters.  TZORZH
code_pnr_unique Unique booking ID.

Name of the user who performed the operation. Ron Swanson
email_agent E-mail address of the agent who performed the operation. ron@pawneeparksandrec.com
equipes Agent's team(s). Each team is separated by a comma. Marketing, Product
operation 6 operations are possible:
  • booking
  • purchase
  • cancellation
  • exchange
  • after-sales manual
  • credit voucher
date_operation Date and time the operation was performed. 2015-09-23 11:37:38 +0200
montant_total Total amount of the transaction:
  • Null value: reservation, cancellation without refund, free exchange or free after-sales service.
  • Positive value: purchase, paid exchange or paid after-sale process.
  • Negative value: cancellation with refund, exchange with refund, manual after-sales service with refund or credit voucher.
montant_carte_bancaire Amount paid by credit card.

montant_paypal Amount paid by PayPal.

montant_bons_dachat Amount paid by voucher or coupon.

montant_autres_moyens Amount paid using other payment methods. 0.0
prix_apres_operation Value of the ticket after the transaction:
  • The price does not change between booking and purchase.
  • The price decreases in the event of a cancellation.
  • The price increases in the case of an exchange.
fares Ticket prices. Each fare is separated by a comma. TGV Loisir, Prem’s
poduct Nature of the product purchased:
  • ticket
  • e-ticket
  • paper ticket
  • subscription / discount card
voyageurs Recipient's name, separated by a comma. Leslie Knope, April Ludgate
gare_depart Name of the departure station. Paris-Gare-de-Lyon
Name of the arrival station. Lyon Part-Dieu
Date and time of departure (outward). 2015-10-06 07:53:00 +0200
Date and time of arrival (outward). 2015-10-06 09:56:00 +0200
date_retour_aller Date and time of departure (return).

Date and time of arrival (return).

Class of service for the ticket:
  • 2nd class ;
  • 1st class ;
  • Mixed = 2nd + 1s class.
1st class
emissions_co2 CO2 emissions, related to the transaction, expressed in grams. 1800
emissions_co2_apres_operation CO2 emissions, during the trip, expressed in grams. 1800
motif_achat Reason for purchase completed during a validation request. Business meeting in Lyon.