How to connect my Trainline Europe and SAP CONCUR accounts
This applies only to companies using Concur Triplink.
We make it easy to manage your business trips by connecting with your SAP Concur Travel and Expense Management Tool.
In an instant, you can connect your accounts to save time.
Here are four easy steps to connect your Trainline for Business and SAP Concur accounts via Triplink:
- Ensure your Concur setup includes a Trainline access.
Once on the page, click "Connect", accept the terms and conditions and approve information sharing.
A new page will open where you can connect to your existing account or create a new one.
- All set! Both accounts Trainline for Business and SAP Concur are now linked.
Your next reservation will be visible on your SAP Concur account, your itinerary and Trainline invoice will be there too. A confirmation will be diplayed on the Trainline payment screen.
If you ever want to disconnect your accounts, just go back to the Concur Application Centre's Trainline Europe page and click "Disconnect".
Watch this video for more help :