How do I cancel and refund my ticket?

If you have a booking but do not have a Trainline Europe account, visit the confirmation page of your booking (via the link provided in your confirmation email).

If you have an account, visit the Ticket’s section of your Trainline Europe account:

  • Please select the ticket that you wish to cancel and click Cancel.
  • You will be shown how much you will be refunded.
  • If you are sure that you want to cancel, click confirm.

Please be careful as cancellations are final and irreversible, hence why we have added an additional confirmation screen.

If you do not see a "cancel" button but your fare conditions state that you should be able to cancel, please contact us immediately.

Can I cancel my ticket at the station/at the ticket counter?

Yes. The rail operator may cancel your tickets. However, they cannot reimburse you as the tickets were purchased with us. Instead Trainline processes the refund. It is very important you cancel the tickets before the train departs. Otherwise you can no longer be refunded. Once your tickets have been cancelled, you can request a refund by writing to us.

Can I cancel my ticket by phone?

Yes. You can cancel your ticket in an emergency situation calling the rail operator directly. You will need to be able to give them your booking reference and name so make sure you have this prepared. Once they have cancelled your tickets,  you must request a refund by writing to us here. We are not informed by the rail operator of the cancellation, so please do not forget to inform us.